Module 1 Hints for Activities

Activity 1.1a: Describe the dilemma

Think about what the teacher is concerned about.

Activity 1.2a: Turn the dilemma into an answerable question

For children who have developmental delays (P), are embedded interventions (I) effective in promoting learning in the areas of communication and social development (O)?

Activity 1.3a: Describe environmental modifications

  • Your answer should mention the environment (e.g., classroom, home), materials, tasks, and special equipment.
  • Think about how equipment could be modified for a child in different areas (e.g., on the playground, in the reading area). Think about how a difficult task could be modified for a child.

Activity 1.4a: Describe peer support

  • Your answer should mention peers helping children.
  • Think about opportunities to enlist a peer to help a child in different settings during the day (e.g., on the playground, at the lunch/snack table, while walking from one activity to another).

Activity 1.5a: Identify embedded interventions during facilitated free play time

  • Think about how Luke’s mom supports Luke’s participation during this facilitated free play time. Your answer should mention specific ways she modifies the environment and how she enlists peer support.
  • Think about how the embedded interventions you described in #1 help Luke participate in free play at home.

Activity 1.6a: Identify embedded interventions during a small group activity

  • Think about how Jacob’s teacher supports Jacob’s participation during this small group activity. Your answer should mention specific ways she modifies the environment and how she enlists peer support.
  • Think about how the embedded interventions you described in #1 help Jacob participate in this classroom activity.
  • Think about how the embedded interventions you described in #1 help the children without disabilities in this classroom.

Activity 1.7a: Identify embedded interventions during a large group activity

  • Think about how Jack’s teacher supports Jack’s participation during this large group activity. Your answer should mention specific ways she modifies the environment and how she enlists peer support.
  • Think about how the embedded interventions you described in #1 help Jack participate in this classroom activity.
  • Think about how the embedded interventions you described in #1 help the children without disabilities in this classroom.

Activity 1.8a: Identify embedded interventions in real life settings

There are no hints provided for this activity.

Activity 1.9a: Apply the research to practice

  • The research was relevant to Luke as his characteristics were similar to those of children in the studies. Your answer should mention specific ways in which Luke characteristics and goals are similar to children in the studies.
  • The research is relevant for Jackie and the program context. Your answer should mention specific ways in which Jackie and the program context are similar to intervention providers and settings in the studies.  .

Activity 1.10a: Know your rights

List at least 3 of the rights Jackie has as mentioned by Rud Turnbull in the audio clip of their interview.

Activity 1.11a: Improve communication with families about embedded interventions

Think about where and how you could communicate with families to hear their ideas about embedded interventions. Think about how you could use videotaping in your communication with families about embedded interventions to meet the needs of their children.

  • Activity 1.12a: Consider unique contexts

  • Describe the program Luke attends. Think about the attitudes and beliefs of the administrator, speech therapist, and teacher.
  • Mention how Luke’s mom feels about embedded interventions. Mention how Luke’s dad feels about embedded interventions.
  • Have you had an experience using embedded interventions or any other type of strategy to help children participate? Describe your views on this situation.

Activity 1.13a: Use evidence-based practice decision making

  • Summarize the general evidence
  • Research Summary – Think about for what type of children the research shows embedded interventions are effective.  What types of learning goals did they address?
  • Policies – Are there policies on embedded interventions?  What does the DEC recommend?
  • Experienced-based Knowledge – Think about the comments on peer support, environmental modifications, and collaboration.
  • Consider the unique context – Think about any concerns that were raised in the audio perspectives.
  • Integrate the evidence and context – The research is relevant.  Families endorse using embedded interventions.  What is your recommendation regarding the use of embedded interventions with Luke?

Activity 1.14a: Completing a child activity matrix

Hints are provided on the activity form with a few of the fields being pre-filled.